Common Excuses and Misconceptions about Going Tiny

It is important to realize that going tiny means that you would probably be able to work much less while living and having fun more!  That's life changing in itself right?  Working significantly less could mean not having to work in corporate slavery for 8 hours a day for 5-6 days a week in addition to that 1 hour commute each way.  What will you do with so much spare time?  How about living in the moment and making those precious memories with your loved ones? Perhaps you will need to ha...

Building Strategically for your Day-to-Day Needs

The initial reaction to going tiny for most modern families in western society is "I can't go tiny" or "I need at least 800 square feet minimum just for myself".  Of course when compared to the usual 2000 square feet that one is used to, it's hard to imagine how you could even begin to fit yourself yet alone your life plus your possessions into less than 500 square feet.  Here's news for you, well it most definitely can, and it just takes some careful strategic thinking about your lifestyle: ...